
When did i start?

Welcome! So you may be wondering, how did ‘Stranger to a City’ come about? Well, it happened during the one of the most pivotal years of my life:  I married my high school sweetheart, put my corporate job on hold, packed my bags and moved to a the Big Apple!

Why did i start?

Moving to a new country is not easy and can be a daunting experience. I wanted to create a space to share what I went through, from making new friends & exploring new hotspots, to the struggles of takinga bed up 2 flights of stairs in an NYC apartment block (PIVOT!).

What else?

I have traveled all over the world, seen beautiful sites & experienced fascinating cultures. I’ve also been met with many hardships along the way. I want to use Stranger to a City to share these experiences with you & provide insight into many of the amazing cities I’ve had the pleasure of visiting.

We received more likes and followers on Instagram after our collaboration and noticed that many other popular pages have shared your photos.

Daniel Smith

travel Around the World in 10 days

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Vestibulum eget diam non velit aliquam fringilla. Praesent et mi turpis. Proin in felis nec dui efficitur aliquam vitae sed urna.


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